Feel Good Friday--Have a Little Faith

Even as the forecast calls for snow showers in April, we know Spring will arrive (eventually,) and flowers and leaves will burst with color. I really did see some daffodils blooming along the road yesterday. 

In Christianity, this weekend is about faith, specifically, witnessing Jesus Christ dying and then “rising” from death. This cemented the beliefs—the faith--of His followers, who were now sure of a higher power, if they had any doubt before.

 “Some things have to be believed to be seen.”  Madeleine L’Engle

Faith is walking on a path in the fog, one foot in front of the other, maybe slowly, but moving forward. I can recall specific points in my life where faith was it. I saw no other next step and had to trust the Universe to just be there with the path. I feel that I am at a similar point now. I want to believe, but the head steps in front of the heart. Do I take that leap, that leap of faith?

“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.”  JRR Tolkien

Since it’s “Feel Good Friday,” I’ll add that research on faith and those who practice it are rewarded with not only spiritual benefits, but physical health benefits as well. These include less anxiety, more patience, less stress, more contentment, less depression, more optimism. The faithful have even been shown to suffer less physical pain and live longer.

Have you been at the point of, as the saying goes, “letting go and letting God?” Faith must be sincere, and it isn’t always easy, but the more of a habit faith becomes, the more inner calm you’ll feel. Focus on something you need to improve in your life; visualize that improvement. It’s already in progress.  

“Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe.”  Mitch Albom