Root Vegetables: It's What's Inside that Counts

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Root vegetables aren’t pretty. They aren’t like a baby pepper that transforms into a shiny, chiseled green block or like a plump, sun-kissed heirloom tomato. They are the workhorse veggies, staples that (no pun intended) ground the meal.

Before industrial agriculture and year-round availability of produce at the grocery store, root vegetables were harvested at the end of the season, stored in “root” cellars and eaten during the cold, lean months of winter. This makes sense given that root vegetables are just that: roots that store all of the nutrition for their plants above-ground. All of that energy, vitamins and minerals are beneficial to humans, too.

Carrots and potatoes are common root vegetables, but three others—parsnips, beets and sweet potatoes—are inexpensive and have some unique qualities that add nutrition and variety to favorite winter dishes.

Parsnips look like large, pale carrots but are used like potatoes. Researchers say the plant originated in Europe, and ancient Romans ate it, though they called carrots and parsnips by the same name. Before sugar cane, parsnips were used to sweeten foods. Farmers developed plumper, fleshier parsnips and harvested them late to increase the sugar. Vegetables in the same family include carrots, celery, parsley, fennel, celeriac and chervil.

Nutritionally, parsnips are high in fiber, low-calorie, low fat, cholesterol free, and harbor valuable omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Generally parsnips can replace potatoes in recipes because of their similar physical properties. Try dicing them for soups or mashing them with potatoes or cauliflower to add some nutritional and flavor zip.

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Beets, related to turnips and spinach, have their own unusual properties and benefits, most obviously the betalain pigments that give beets rich colors.  As with many phytonutrients, betalains provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support, but these combined with beet levels of Vitamin C and manganese appear to target eye health and nerve tissue.

The beet was cultivated along the Mediterranean as early as 2000 BC and in China during the first millennium AD. During this time, though, beets were grown mainly for their greens above ground, also nutritious. In the 19th century, sugar beets were developed in Germany and harvested as an alternative to sugar cane. Today one-third of the world’s sugar supply comes from beets.

Preliminary research indicates that beet phytonutrients inhibit a type of enzyme producing cell messages that trigger inflammation. In cases of chronic inflammation like heart disease, atherosclerosis and resulting Type II diabetes, stopping these molecules reduces dangerous inflammation. Because of this, scientists have been doing tests on various tumor cells and beets with promising results. Another nutrient found in beets, betaine, is showing positive results in decreasing cardiovascular system inflammation.

Beets are best when small to medium-large size. Watch for small bruises or holes because the pigments contained within the skin will leak from a punctured root. To conserve the pigment and nutrients, beets should be cooked with their skins intact and with about an inch of stem still on the root. The valuable betalains are susceptible to heat, so recommended steaming time should be kept to less than 15 minutes and roasting or baking time to less than one hour. When removing the outer skins wear rubber or disposable gloves to keep the pigment from coloring the hands. Root skins should peel off easily with a paper towel.   

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There are over 400 varieties of sweet potatoes throughout the world, but only two varieties are commonly grown in the United States: one with gold colored skin and white or yellow flesh, the other with tan or brown skin and orange flesh, commonly called a yam. However, it is not even in the same botanical family as a true yam, which is grown only in tropical climates, nor is it related to the common potato. The yam misnomer began when African slaves coined the North American sweet potato “nyami,” the Senegalese term for a similar-looking root grown in Africa.  

Ten thousand years ago inhabitants of Peru were growing the sweet potato, which is actually part of the morning glory family. Columbus took them to Spain from the New World, and the Spanish and Portuguese grew and exported them around Europe, Africa, the Philippines, and Asia after that. Native Americans in the south were already growing them, called “batatas,” and sweet potatoes are still a southern cooking staple.

The darker the flesh, the more beta-carotene inside, and this is the type of beta-carotene from which human bodies can directly produce Vitamin A. In Africa and India school children are fed sweet potatoes to support healthy eyes, bones, skin and immune systems. It’s said that the sweet potato sustained Civil War soldiers during the winter months.

Sweet potatoes produce their own healing nutrients, sporamins, when the root’s flesh is damaged. These are stored in the vegetable flesh, so humans ingesting the vegetable may absorb these healing antioxidants, as well. Research indicates that sweet potatoes could help those with intestinal tract maladies or with high levels of mercury, cadmium or arsenic in their systems. 

An unusual benefit to people with Type II diabetes has to do with the body’s production of insulin regulator adiponectin, produced by the body’s fat cells. Sweet potatoes increase the production of this hormone, and, contrary to the usual avoidance of starch for diabetics, one medium sweet potato boiled or steamed will provide about three grams of dietary fiber and only register around 50 on the glycemic index.

Boiling seems to be the best way to preserve the nutrients and keep the glycemic index low. Studies also show that the beta-carotene is best absorbed when eaten with a small amount of fat. Adding a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or some crushed walnuts to a medium steamed or boiled sweet potato will be enough to reap the benefits.

True, root vegetables look a little rough on the outside, but so do diamonds when they’re first dug out of the ground. Using each of these in a winter dish every week could save a bit in the budget and add a boost to the immune system. It’s what’s inside that counts.