Monday Morning Orange Juice, May 15, 2023

“Interest is the most important thing in life; happiness is temporary, but interest is continuous.” 

Georgia O'Keeffe

One of my favorite artists. I just found a book of her work while going through boxes at home and was thrilled to see it made the move to NY (some things did not.) 

Have a nice week.

Monday Morning Orange Juice, May 1, 2023

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

Ashley Smith

So much to notice in the Spring; so much to appreciate.

Fresh starts…Spring, Monday, May, the rain, the wind… Have a fabulous week.

Monday Morning Orange Juice, March 20, 2021

“It's rarely doing the work that is hard, it's starting the work. Once you begin, it's often less painful to continue working. This is why--in the beginning---it is often more important to build the habit of getting started than it is to worry about whether or not you are doing enough." 
James Clear

This week: Spring equinox, New Moon, and a new energy year. Set your intention, and go for it!

Monday Morning Orange Juice, May 11, 2020


“Every success story is a tale of constant adaptation, revision, and change."

Richard Branson

In a short three months our world has changed. Over the course of the next nine months, success will mean being flexible and open to possibilities that you haven't even thought of yet.

Have a fabulous week.

Monday Morning Orange Juice, August 12, 2019


"Put blinders on to those things that conspire to hold you back, especially the ones in your own mind."

Meryl Streep

The past month has reinforced some realizations, and I am restless and longing to create again. What would I do if there were no limitations? What are the possibilities of which I haven't even thought yet?

Have an awesome week!

Monday Morning Orange Juice, August 5, 2019


"A bee lives for 40 days, visits 1,000 flowers, and produces one teaspoon of honey. To us, a teaspoon of honey. To bees, a lifetime of work."

(Due to a computer equipment breakdown, Monday Morning is now Tuesday Afternoon— just add some vodka, peach schnapps, or prosecco to the OJ )

A little note on perspective and gratitude. It's easy to say thank you for the "big" things, but there are an infinite number of everyday miracles surrounding us all the time. Have a fabulous week!

Monday Morning Orange Juice, July 29, 2019


"You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry, don't worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way."

Walter Hagen

A little late today, but a stop to compliment a gentleman on his urban garden Friday led to a wonderful conversation, a personal tour of said garden, and an invitation to return for vegetables and more photos.

Building and keeping connections-- whether it's a quick "thank you" for making this corner brighter or taking time to check in with a friend over coffee--strenghthens the fabric of life.

Monday Morning Orange Juice, July 1, 2019


"You don't try to do it right every time. You just try to do it every time. The secret is to give yourself to it, let go of the past, enjoy the process and the present, and it will come good."

Monty Don, Master Gardener, on creating a garden

Lovely thought and reminder as we begin the week and month. May July bring you ways to enhance your own "gardens."

#mondaymotivation #positivevibes #quotes #theprocess

In an Urban Garden


September is here, and, though temps were in the 90s Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, they dropped steadily into the 50s on Saturday. On a recent warm afternoon I took a few photos of the Hamilton Street Victory Garden (the oldest community garden in the city of Rochester) before the inevitable effects of the season take hold. A program supported by the South Wedge Planning Committee, this and its sister garden on Cypress Street provided free plots for 55 families this summer. 


A Farm on a Midsummer Night

Crostini with herbed fontina and cherry tomatoes, served in the herb garden

I had the good fortune to be invited to a special dinner Saturday evening, a midsummer night’s dream of a tasting.  Held at Hurd Orchards in a vintage barn, the event showcased 21 original recipes using their abundance of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The atmosphere was enchanting with both sides of the barn opening to setting-sun views of orchards and gardens, candles in glass jars hanging from the beams, and opulent flower arrangements on every dinner table, serving table, and any available space. With gratitude, it was magical.

The hosts pouring celebratory Champagne for a gathering of friends
Amazing home-made graham cracker with honeyed goat cheese and berries.
From one of the three centerpieces on our table

Another Year Over


As during the past year, I am finding it hard to put my thoughts in black and white today.

I’ve written 100 or more blog paragraphs in my head over these months and weeks, but my sentences and consciousness begin rambling down paths and tangents, so that nothing makes sense--just as in the rest of my life and the world in general in 2017.

This was a year of discouragement, distraction, and disillusionment. I found myself withdrawing from writing, creative pursuits, and social life, trying to feel that feeling that tells me I’m on track, but there was so much clutter and “stuff” all around. There was no energy at the end of the day.


My strategy has been to try to counter all of the negative energy—especially in social media—with positive energy: posting and sharing good news only, resuming a meditation practice, taking a course on angels and another on healing, avoiding as much political discussion as possible. And I think this has helped clear some of the fog. But it’s obvious that there is more adversity out there than ever, and I’ve recently become one of the targets in someone’s bizarre hate campaign. Fortunately, my work, reputation, and ethics speak for themselves, but there are many people who don’t know me who are swayed and brainwashed by ridiculous attacks. It’s hurtful and another needless distraction and waste of time and energy.  

There is something within us that always seeks some “promise of hope” for New Year’s Day and the 12 months ahead. I’ve been looking back to determine what has made me happy in the past, times when I’ve felt that I was in the zone and on the Path because I’ve seen precious little of it during the past three years. That will be a guide as I move forward. I’ve already begun cleaning closets and other “out with the old” tasks to simplify my space and life--again. I wish I could be somewhere and feel settled, but I always have the feeling that I’m a fish out of water, and everything around me is temporary.

Maybe 2018 is the year I’ll find home.    
